The Missing Cupcakes Game

The Missing Cupcakes Game

Using games in therapy sessions

The Missing Cupcakes Game is a great fun activity that can be used by speech & language therapists, occupational therapists, and special education teachers.  Games can make therapy fun and engaging for the child while the therapist can elicit responses and actions that meet therapy goals. 

Missing Cupcakes

The Missing Cupcakes Game has a game board, 14 cupcakes, 20 birthday present cards, 4 character tokens and stands, and a game spinner.

Suggested lesson for The Missing Cupcakes Game

“Today we’re going to play The Missing Cupcakes Game.To setup, pick out a character token and place it on a corner of the game board. Put all the Birthday Present cards face down on the gameboard as a stack. Place all the Cupcakes on Grumpy Toad’s cupcake tray (in the box).”

“It is your turn, so spin the spinner. You spin a 3. Move 3 spaces to a Birthday Present spot. Draw a card and look at it. The Birthday Present is a guitar. Demonstrate through actions a guitar or playing a guitar. If another player guesses correctly, you can move 2 Cupcakes from Grumpy Toad’s Tray to Cupcake Spaces on Pete the Cat’s Birthday Party Table on the game board. Your turn has ended.”

“Now, it is another player’s turn and they spin a 4. Moving 4 spaces they land on an Activity Spot with an Apple on it. They must name a yummy food. If they do this, they can take 1 Cupcake from Grumpy Toad and move it to Pete’s Birthday Present Table.”

“It is my turn and I spin a 3 and land on a Grumpy Toad spot. This allows Grumpy Toad to take back 1 cupcake.”

“The game is won when all the Cupcakes are on Pete the Cat’s Birthday Present Table and Grumpy Toad has no Cupcakes.”

Speech & Language Therapy

  • Practice prepositions (on top of, in front of, next to, etc)
  • Describe the colors of the Cupcakes, Present cards

Occupational Therapy

  • Reinforce crossing the midline
  • Hold your character token with a pincer grip

Special Education

  • Name the colors of the Cupcakes
  • How many animals are on the game board
  • How many cupcakes are on the game board
  • How many balloons are on the game board
  • How many words are on the game board

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