Race to the Roof

Race to the Roof

Using games in therapy sessions

Race to the Roof is a board game from Ravensberger. The game can be played by two to four players. The object of the game is to be the first player to get from the front door to the attic window. Race to the Roof is a great fun activity that can be used by speech & language therapists, occupational therapists, and special education teachers.  Games can make therapy fun and engaging for the child while the therapist can elicit responses and actions that meet therapy goals. 

Race to the Roof

Race to the Roof includes a game board (in two interlocking pieces), 16 Room cards, 20 Object (chance) cards, 4 playing tokens, game rules, and a die. The room tiles can be arranged in any order you choose. 

Suggested lesson for Race to the Roof

“Today we’re going to play Race to the Roof.”

“Let’s assemble the game board and place the 16 Room cards in the open spaces on the board. And we place the Object cards in a face-down pile.”

“It is your turn. Roll the die. What did you roll? You rolled a four, so move your game token four spaces into the first room.”

“Now it is my turn. I roll a three. I move three spaces.”

“It is your turn again. Roll the die. You roll a six. When you roll a six, you get to pick a card from the pile of Object cards.”

“Your card is the Jam Jar. Look at the different rooms for a Jam Jar. It is in the Kitchen on top of the Refrigerator. You can move your token to the red circle on the Kitchen room card.”

To win the game, the player must roll the exact number on the die to match the spaces remaining to reach the Attic window.

Speech & Language Therapy

  • Practice prepositions (on top of, in front of, next to, etc) when describing the different rooms
  • Identify an object and describe its appearance
  • Describe its use (function)
  • Locate and name the room that contains the object
  • Explain why that object is in that room

Occupational Therapy

  • Reinforce midline crossing
  • Roll the die using two hands to “shake” the die
  • Move the token landing on every circle, counting as you go

Special Education

  • If you roll a four (for example), count out loud one, two, three, four as you land on each circle
  • When you draw an object card, what color is the object?
  • What would you do with this object?
  • Would you have more than one of this object?

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