My First Alphabet Game

My First Alphabet Game

Using games in therapy sessions

My First Alphabet Game is a great fun activity that can be used by speech & language therapists, occupational therapists, and special education teachers.  Games can make therapy fun and engaging for the child while the therapist can elicit responses and actions that meet therapy goals. 

Alphabet Game

My First Alphabet Game from DK Games includes 4 picture 8″ x 8″ boards containing photographs of common items, such as banana, truck, apple, etc, and 36 letter cards containing all 26 letters, and doubles of the letters a, b, c, d, e, g, l, m, p, t.

Suggested lesson for My First Alphabet Game

“We’re to match the letter to the picture that starts that letter. Matching the letter B that makes the ‘buh’ sound to the picture of a banana, ‘buh-nanna.’ ” 

This is a game to work on emerging skills of letter recognition and sound to symbol. 

Work with one picture board at a time, and spread a selection of the letters out, face up, on the table. 

“Let’s look at the picture. This is a banana. We have a banana for a snack, or sometimes we can cut up a banana in slices on cereal. Say ‘banana.’ What is the first sound of banana. Buh. That’s the letter B. B says buh, like in the word banana.” 

For younger children, have a selection of 3 letters spread out for them to choose. Model the sound each letter makes. “Do you know which is the letter B?” Upon successfully choosing the B, have them place the letter on top of the appropriate picture.

Now move to a different picture on the board, and spread out three new letters, face up on the table.

Speech & Language Therapy

  • Promote sound to symbol
  • Ask questions about the pictures
  • when the letter is matched to the picture, ask what other words begin with the same letter
  • arrange the letters in “alphabet” order
  • arrange the letters into vowels and consonants

Occupational Therapy

  • Reinforce crossing the midline


Special Education

  • Promote learning letter recognition
  • Promote sound to symbol
  • Arrange the letters in “alphabet” order
  • Arrange the letters into vowels and consonants


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